domenica 24 febbraio 2013

MARCH SESSION2013 Lorenzo Sevn Altieri

Lorenzo Sevn Altieri

Project for NYBA: "End and Over Concerto" “Know that, before the emanations were issued and that the creatures were created, the simple Superior Light filled the whole existence. There was no free place, neither air nor empty space, but everything was full of that simple infinite Light Had Not distinction, neither beginning nor end, but everything was a single simple Light equal to a single equality and it is the one that is called Or-Ein Sof. The vacuum of air and space generated by self-limitation of Ein Sof was surrounded by ten circles called "pots" (kelem) that identify with the ten Sefirot, corresponding in this case to the various levels of reality present in the Creation, but the Superior Light not abandoning completely empty space. In fact, this is what he writes Luria about it: ‘And then arose from the Light of Ein Sof a single line from top to bottom, which is held down inside that space [empty]. AND through that line reworked, created, formed and did all the World’ ”- Rabbi Isaac Luria (1534 - 1572) Today, science has known about the possibility of turning light into matter and vice versa: according to modern theory, in fact, the universe may have formed just as the particles of light called photons. The line of light across all ten "containers" surrounded the void, but some of them could not contain it, so they broke by causing the so-called haKelim Shevirat, a cosmic catastrophe that caused the onset of Chaos in the Universe. The "Concerto" for END AND OVER turns around the meaning of creation from the concept of a vacuum, metaphorically present even in death, as a moment that generates new life. If art is life, it can also die to create a new artistic cycle. Only after the acceptance of the void as an indispensable element to creation, and death as a necessary outcome of all, life can continue into the future. So the artist will strive for perfection of the universe contained in Chaos, among silence and noise. He becomes a sort of spiritual warrior then, to reestablish the consciousness of the world. The artist now knows well how to use what is apparently useless or unusable, to rediscover emptiness as something essential to creation and the acquisition of knowledge of being. May it lead to a spiritual rebirth? "Art in the Virtue of its Void..."

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