lunedì 18 marzo 2013



Gianluca Maver
Bergamo, Italy 1972
Via Giorgio La Pira, 25 Montevarchi (AR) Italy 
tel: +39055983052 mob: +3932896296548  e-mail:  web-site:
*1996-99 Fondazione Studio Marangoni "Center for Contemporary Photography", Firenze, Italy
*1994-96 Museo Ken Damy "International Photo Academy", Brescia, Italy
*1993-94 E.l.f.a.p. “photography institute”, Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova, Italy
*1997 to present
Gilbert Fastenaekens, Nick Waplington, Anna Fox, Moreno Gentili, Franco Vaccari, Renate Aller,
Martin Parr, Mark Power, Gabriele Basilico, Natale Zoppis, Sabine Korth, Antonio Biasiucci, Jay Wolke,
Zineb Sedira, Edward Rozzo.
Work Experience:
*2009 to present; Lorenzo De Medici Institute, Head of Photo Department, Firenze, Italy
*2007 to present; Lorenzo De Medici Institute, Professor of photography, Firenze, Italy
*2000-2009 Fondazione Studio Marangoni “Center for contemporary photography”, printing and darkroom technique teacher 
*1998-2007 Print Service Gallery, professional B/W printing laboratory and photographic gallery, printing manager and
exhibition coordinator, Firenze, Italy
*2012 Selected artist “Premio Tiziano 2012 ” La coscienza psicologiga, curated by Pietro Negri Editore, Italy
*2007 Selected artist “Premio Arti Visive San Fedele”,”Il senso del male” curated by Andrea Dall’Asta, Milano, Italy
*2005 Selected artist “Premio Arti Visive San Fedele”,”Il senso del corpo” curated by Andrea Dall’Asta, Milano, Italy
*2004 Selected artist “Networking”, curated by Arianna di Genova, Firenze, Italy
Selected artist “MoCA Museum of Contemporary Art”, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
*2001 Selected artist “Giovani Artisti Europei a Firenze”, curated by Sergio Risaliti, Firenze, Italy
*2000 Winner artist “Portfolio in Piazza 2000", curated by Vittoria Ciolini, Savignano sul Rubicone, Italy
Selected artist “Prize for a photographic project”, Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Firenze, Italy
*1999 Scholarship assigned by Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Firenze, Italy
*1997 Selected artist “MIFAV”, curated by Sandro Grossi, Sandro Covone and Anna Maffi, Roma, Italy
*2013 BAM Bottega di Antonio Manta Web_2010/Web_2012 Montevarchi, Italy.
*2012 Palazzo del Podest‡, Piazza Varchi and Via Roma, Re-building curated by Vincenzo Estremo, Montevarchi, Italy
PhC Capalbiofotografia Collecting Landscape, curated by Marco Delogu & Alessandro Dandini de Sylva in Capalbio.
MIA Milan Image Art Fair curated by Fabio Castelli, Gallery RB Contemporary, Milano
Arthouse in Edinburgh Web_2010 curated by Wallace Shaw, in Edinburgh 
Casa Masaccio arte contemporanea, “L’arte della fuga”, curated by Fausto Forte, San Giovanni, Italy.
The Others Fair, Network_space and Web_2012 curated by RBcontemporary, Torino.
*2011 RB Contemporary, “Natural Forms”, curated by Riccardo & Marco Redaelli and Alessandra Barlassina, Milan Italy
Ex- Chiesa della SS. Nonziata, “Shift” “Out in Nature”, curated by Fausto Forte, S.Giovanni Valdarno Ar Italy
Spazio Ianelli, “Intro_Cosmo”, with Simona Canacci, Montevarchi Ar Italy
MIA Milan Image Art Fair, curated by Fabio Castelli, Milan Italy
Villa Barberino, “arte ambientale, giardini d’arte”, curated by Francesco Gavilli, Meleto Valdarno Ar Italy
*2009/10 Nero ActualitË, “My used shoes”, Arezzo Italy  
*2008 MINT, White Portrait Galleria Maurizio Nobile, Milano, Italy
FSM Gallery, “Un quartiere in movimento”, curated by Daria Filardo, Firenze Italy
Maurizio Nobile Loft, “Visages en pose”, curated by Anna Maria Amonaci, Bologna, Italy
*2007 San Fedela Arte “ Premio arti visive San Fedele”, curated by Andrea Dall’Asta, MIlano, Italy 
Mulinom Biondi, “L’Arno, un percorso visivo”, FotoGrafia Festival Roma 2007, curated by Marco Delogu, Roma, Italy
CaffË Florian, “FFF” curated by Anna Maria Amonaci, Firenze, Italy
Galleri Image “They looked on while it happened”, curated by Beate Cegielska, Aarhus, Denmark
*2006 San Fedela Arte “ Premio arti visive San Fedele”, curated by Andrea Dall’Asta, MIlano, Italy
KunstArt, Galleria Carini , Bolzano Italy
Arte Fiera Padova, Galleria Carini, Padova Italy
Parco Corsini, Torre Medievale “Fofu” Festival di fotografia, Fucecchio. Italy
Piazza della Passera “L’Arno,un percorso visivo”,curated by Anna Maria Amonaci,Firenze,Italy
Heimspiel Gallery “Two Years” curated by Astrid Ihle,Frankfurt am Main,Germany
FSM Gallery “Open Day” curated by Daria Filardo,Firenze, Italy
*2005 Cantieri la Ginestra “Valdarno on the road” curated by Anna Detherige,Montevarchi, Italy
Untitled Gallery “Walking”, curated by Barbara Marini, Firenze, Italy
Heimspiel Kunst Gallery “Waiting for the dial tone”, curated by Astrid Ihle, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
San Fedele Arte “Premio Arti Visive San Fedele”, curated by Andrea Dall’Asta, Milano, Italy
*2004 Cango “Networking”, curated by Arianna di Genova, Firenze, Italy
MoCA Museum of Contemporary Art, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Palazzo Ducale “Bellezza non so” curated by Andrea Sarno, Pavullo nel Frignano, Italy
*2003 Spazio CICA, project by Dryphoto “you’ve red between the lines”, curated by Renate Aller, Prato,Italy
Kore Arte Contemporanea “Walking”, curated by Rossella Tesi, Vicchio, Italy
Spaziofoto Credito Artigiano “Ten years of Studio Marangoni”, Firenze, Italy
International meetings of photography “Symbols and Icons”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Ex Stazione Leopolda “Luce Notturna”, curated by Mauro Magrini, Firenze, Italy
Galerie Lichtblick “Imagesagainstwar”, Koln, Germany
*2002 Ex Stazione Leopolda “Extemporanea”, curated by A.P.I.C., Firenze, Italy
*2001 Giubbe Rosse “Giovani Artisti Europei a Firenze”, curated by Sergio Risaliti, Firenze, Italy
Murate (ex prison) “Luce Prigioniera”, curated by Mauro Magrini, Firenze, Italy
Festival of Photography “Alberobello Fotografia”, curated by Denis Curti, Bari, Italy
Festival of Photography “Portfolio in Piazza”, curated by Denis Curti, Savignano sul Rubicone, Italy
New York University, Tisch School of the Arts “Focus on Italy ”, New York, USA
Cascina Roma “Introspettiva”, San Donato Milanese, Italy
*2000 The London College of Printing “Intimate Thought”, curated by Anna Fox, London, United Kingdom
Staproject “Corpo III” curated by Angelo Bianco, Firenze, Italy
Galleria Civica “CGM Collection of Contemporary Photo 1997-2000”, -
curated by Walter Guadagnini and Filippo Maggia, Modena, Italy
Fondazione Studio Marangoni “Prize for a photographic project”, Firenze, Italy
*1999 Ex Stazione Leopolda “Fabbrica Europa 1999”, curated by Colomba D’Apolito, Firenze, Italy
*1997 Tor Vergata “MIFAV 97”, curated by Anna Maffi, Sandro Grossi and Sandro Covone, Roma, Italy
Enzimi 97, Roma, Italy
*Casa Masaccio Arte Contemporanea, San Giovanni Italy
*MoCA Museum of Contemporary Art, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
*Palazzo Vendemini, Savignano sul Rubicone, Italy
*GCM Collection of Contemporary Photo, Galleria Civica, Modena, Italy
*Alfonso Pluchinotta, private collection, Padova, Italy
*MIFAV, Museum of Photographic Image of the Visual Arts, Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy
*2012 Premio Tiziano, La Percezione Psicologica, Pietro Negri Editore
Mia Milan Image Art fair, exhibiotn catalogue and Dvd
*2011 Natural Forms, exhibition catalogue
Shift/Spostamenti, exhibition catalogue
Mia Milan Image Art Fair, exhibition catalogue and DVD
*2008 Visage en pose, exhibition catalogue
Un quartiere in movimento, exhibition catalogue
*2007 FotoGrafia, festival di Roma, exhibition catalogue
Premio San Fedele, Il senso del male, selected artist catalogue
They looked on while it happened, exhibition catalogue
*2006 Valdarno on the road, exhibition catalogue
Fofu, exhibition catalogue
L’Artista, annual art magazine
Opere, architecture magazine
*2005 Premio San Fedele, Il senso del corpo, selected artist catalogue
Piazza Pietro Leopoldo, Firenze, architecture book
*2003 Bellezza non so, exhibition catalogue
Ten years of Studio Marangoni, exhibition catalogue
Luce Notturna, exhibition catalogue
*2002 Toscana Contemporanea, book
*2001 Portfolio in Piazza 2000, winner’s catalogue
Luce Prigioniera, exhibition catalogue
*2000 Introspettiva, exhibition catalogue



Heykeltraş/Ressam Uğur Çakı Özgeçmişi

1974 İzmir doğumlu sanatçı,eğitimini Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Seramik Bölümünde tamamladı.Eğitimi süresince birçok karma sergide yer aldı.

2000 yılında düzenlenen İzmir Uluslararası Seramik Sempozyumunda 
asistan olarak görev alan sanatçı.burada yerli yabancı birçok sanatçıyı yakından izleme fırsatı buldu.Burada öğrendiği
teknikler sanatına olumlu katkı yaptı.

2000 yılında Urla nın Zeytinalan köyünde ilk atölyesini kurdu ve aynı dönemde  bronz döküm
teknikleri üzerine çalışmaya başladı.

2001 yılında Urla Çeşmealtında ikinci atölyesini kuran sanatçı burada seramik bronz ağaç ve taş malzemelerle
 heykel çalışmaları yaptı

2002 yılında Uluslararası Kahire Seramik Bienali İçin seçilen seramik heykeli ile Juri Gençlik Ödülüne layık görüldü ve böylece ilk  uluslararası başarısına ulaştı.

2004 yılında ahşap panel üzerine ilk resmini yaptı

2005 yılının ikinci yarısında eğitimini tamamlayan sanatçı metal ve hazır malzeme üzerine çalışmalar yaptı.Aynı yıl ilk kişisel sergisini İstanbul da Gerçekleştirdi.

2010 yılına kadar Urla Çeşmealtı'nda ki atölyesinde  çalışan sanatçı yurt içi ve yurt dışında 35 in üzerinde karma ve kişisel sergi gerçekleştirdi.

2010 yılının ilk yarısında  ''Societe National Des Beaux Arts ''Fransa Güzel Sanatlar Kurumu Louvre Müzesi Caroussel du Louvre Salon Sergisine eseri seçildi ve Prix Special ödülüne layık görüldü.
Aynı yılın ikinci yarısında İnternational Elite Art Monaco Sergisine üç ayrı eseri seçildi. 

2011 yılında İstanbul Moda da üçüncü atölyesini kuran sanatçı burada resim ve heykel çalışmaları yapmaya devam etmektedir.

 Kahire Seramik Bienali Kolleksiyonu ve İzmir Devlet Resim ve Heykel Müze Kolleksiyonu başta olmak üzere, pek çok yerli yabancı kolleksiyonda eserleri bulunmaktadır.

Sergiler ve Etkinlikler

2000-Rotary Club Seramik Yarışması-- Filiz Sarper Özel Ödülü-İZMİR

2000-Turgut Pura Vakfı Heykel Yarışması -- Sergileme   --İZMİR

2000-Çanakkale Seramik Gençlik Sempozyumu--Katılım Diploması--ÇANAKKALE
2001-Turgut Pura Vakfı Heykel Yarışması-- I. lik Ödülü—İZMİR

2001-Workshop-Buluşma- MANİSA

2002-Rotary Club Seramik Yarışması-Teşekkür Plaketi-İZMİR

2002-Turgut Pura Vakfı Heykel Yarışması-Selçuk Müzesi Artemis Ödülü-İZMİR

2002-Muammer Çakı Seramik Yarışması-Sergileme-ESKİŞEHİR

2002-Uluslararası Kahire Seramik Bienali-Jüri Gençlik Ödülü-MISIR

2003-Turgut Pura Vakfı Heykel Yarışması-I. lik Ödülü-İZMİR

2003-T.C Kültür Bakanlığı Devlet Resim ve Heykel Sergisi- ANKARA- İSTANBUL- İZMİR

2003-Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Karma Sergi-İZMİR

2003-Uluslararası Buonos Aires Seramik Bienali-ARJANTİN

2004-T.C Kültür Bakanlığı Devlet Resim ve Heykel Sergisi-ANKARA-İSTANBUL-İZMİR

2004-Karma Sergi Galeri El Turko -Maya Up Town-İSTANBUL
2005-Uluslararası Paris Maison Object Fuarı-PARİS

2005-Art İstanbul Uluslararası Modern Sanatlar Fuarı-Galeri Çağla Cabaoğlu-İSTANBUL

2005-Art İstanbul Heykel Yarışması-Jüri Ödülü-İSTANBUL

2005-İlk Anıt Heykelini Yaptı-DİDİM

2006-İkili Sergi-Birol Kutadgu-Uğur Çakı-Galeri Çağla Cabaoğlu-İSTANBUL

2006-Uluslararası Paris Maison Object Fuarı-PARİS

2006-Karma Sergi-Ertugrul Ates-Günseli Kato-Cem Sagbil-Bedri Baykam-Gülveli Kaya-Uğur Çakı-Galeri Çagla Cabaoğlu-ANTALYA

2006-Kişisel Sergi-The Marmara Hotel-BODRUM

2006-Art Ankara Uluslararası Modern Sanatlar Fuarı-Galeri Piano Piano-ANKARA

2006-Uluslararası Çağdaş Sanatlar Fuarı-Contemporary Art İstanbul-Galeri Article-İSTANBUL

2007-Kişisel Sergi-Galeri Çağla Cabaoğlu-İSTANBUL

2007-Sergi-Les Ottomans Hoteli-Q jazz bar-İSTANBUL

2008-İkinci Anıt Heykelini Yaptı-Mövenpick-İZMİR

2008-Kişisel Sergi-Konak Pier-İZMİR

2008--Contemporary Art İstanbul-Galeri K2-İSTANBUL

2008-Anıt Heykel-Konak Pier-İZMİR

2008-Kişisel Sergi-Plato-İSTANBUL

2009-kişisel Sergi-Ekavart Galeri-İSTANBUL

2009-İkili Sergi Ertugrul Ateş-Uğur Çakı-Ardıc Kusu Galeri-ALAÇATI

2009-Karma Sergi-K2 Contemporary Art Center-İZMİR

2010-Karma Sergi-İyi Sanat Galerisi-Alacatı Port-ALAÇATI

2010-Uluslararası Modern Sanatlar Fuarı-MarbArt-Camden Sanat Galerısi-MARBELLA

2010-İkili Sergi-Yalçın Bilgin-Uğur Çakı-Ekav Art Galeri-İSTANBUL

2010-Contemporary Art İstanbul-Restoratıon de Arts-İSTANBUL

2010-Societe National Beaux Arts-Louvre Salon Sergisi-Prix Special Award-PARİS

2010-Karma Sergi-Artium Modern-İSTANBUL

2011-Üçlü Sergi Guido Casaretto-Uğur Çakı-Bedri Baykam-Lahd Galeri-LONDRA

2011-Uluslararası Elite Art-Grimaldi Forum-MONACO 

2011-Kişisel Sergi-Wine Way Art Gallery-Marina Çeşme-İZMİR

2011-Contemporary Art İstanbul Sanat Fuarı-Artium Modern-İSTANBUL

2012-Kişisel Sergi- Lin Art Gallery-İSTANBUL

2012-Contemporary Art İstanbul-Lin Art Gallery-İSTANBUL

2012-Societe National Beaux Arts-Louvre Salon Sergisi-Notre Salonu-PARİS

2013-Marie Curie Art Event-Saatchi Gallery-LONDRA

Gelecek Etkinlikler

2013-New York Contemporary Art Biennale-Guest of Honor Ai Weiwei Ugur Caki-NEW YORK

2013-Eropean Cultural Capital Marsille Video İnstallation-Curator Pietro Franesi-MARSİLLE

2013-Kisisel Sergi-Kırmızı Ardıç Kuşu Gallery-ALAÇATI

2013-Venezia Biennale Synchronous Event-Curator Pietro Franesi-VENEZİA

2013-Contemporary Art İstanbul-Lin Art Gallery-İSTANBUL

2013-Kişisel Sergi-Lin Art Gallery-İSTANBUL


2000-Rotary Club Seramik Yarışması-Filiz Sarper Eczacıbaşı Ödülü-İZMİR

2000-Çanakkale Seramik Gençlik Sempozyumu-Diploma-ÇANAKKALE

2001-Turgut Pura Resim Heykel Yarışması-Heykel Birincilik Ödülü-İZMİR

2002-Rotary Club Seramik Yarışması-Teşekkür Plaketi-İZMİR

2002-Turgut Pura Resim ve Heykel Yarışması-Selçuk Müzesi Artemis Ödülü-İZMİR

2002-Uluslararası Kahire Seramik Bienali-Juri Gençlik Ödülü-Kahire-MISIR

2003-Turgut Pura Resim Heykel Yarışması-Heykel Birincilik Ödülü-İZMİR

2005-Art İstabul Resim Heykel Yarışması-Juri Özel Ödülü-İSTANBUL

2010-Uluslararası Salon Sergisi-Özel Ödül-Louvre Müzesi-Caroussel du Louvre-Paris-FRANSA

Sanatçıyı Temsil Eden Kurumlar

Lin Art Galeri-İSTANBUL
Lahd Gallery-LONDRA


VALLS GERARD  - Multidisciplinary Artist –


Gerard Valls - Reus – Catalonia- (Spain) 1975, he began his creative career at  age 10, learning the basic techniques of the artistic drawing in the studio of the Catalan artist Pere Calderó, where he subsequently became interested in drawing objects, design drawing and then by jewellery.

Aged 15, he entered at the Art school of Tarragona and started in the speciality of Artistic jewellery. He completed his studies in various schools in Barcelona and in the “Col.legi  de joiers de Catalunya”, where he learned gemmology, engraving on crimped and noble metals for precious stones.

After the learning period, he opened his own workshop, where he created his first collections of Vanguard jewels for galleries in Barcelona and Madrid.

After several years dedicated to jewellery, their creative concerns led him to investigate other artistic fields like painting, little size sculpture, installation and performance. Currently, his creative production is based on the multidisciplinary.

So far, he has made more than 200 artistic actions and he exhibited his works, among other cities, in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Malaga, Sevilla, Bilbao, Lyon (Fr.), Cannes (Fr.), Paris (Fr.), Trani (It.), Catania (It.) and Miami-Beach (USA).

In 2009, exposes in “Satellite Art Exhibition”, in Miami-Beach (USA) , sharing space with works of Andy Warhol, Salvador Dalí and Diego Rivera.

Invited to participate in the first International exhibition “Dolmen de Dalí”, tribute to Salvador Dalí, in the museum of the “Real casa de la moneda de Madrid” ( Madrid, 2009).

He exhibits at the invitation of the “Fondazione Giuseppe de Nittis”, in the artistic event “Culture a Confronto”, in the “Castello di Trani” (Italy, 2009).

Selected by the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts of Paris to participate in the International exhibition of Fine Arts at the “Salle Le Nôtre” of the “Carrousel do Louvre” in Paris, as part of the Spanish artists delegation in 2009, in individual representation in 2010 and been part of the Catalonia delegation in 2011.

Selected for the artistic event “Stop allo 048 degli oggetti” in Catania (Sicily, It.) 2012

He has been finalist and winner of several awards from design, jewellery and contemporary art.

Winner of the National jewellery prize AN GEM AWARDS 2008 (Madrid). 


My work is born from the observation of everything that surrounds me, mainly, people and their attitudes, depending on the place or context in which are.

I try to reflect the dark and perverse side all hide inside ourselves, and in this way bring to light the “Alter ego” of a society that appears to be “ Politically correct” and that it is not reality.

I express my self through the creative multidisciplinary, ranging from painting to small format sculpture, going through the art installation, design and performance, using as a register a fusion of social criticism, sarcasm, irony, provocation and sex. 



Zappaterra Marcello , nato nel 1971 a Ferrara dove vive tutt’ora.
Iniziato dal padre alla fotografia argentica continua a fotografare usando anche i mezzi che propone la tecnologia moderna mantenendo una predilezione per la fotografia analogica e in particolar modo per il bianco e nero.



Being a visual artist I am interesting how meaning is produced in particular pictures or set of them whithin time. And how this meaning might be broken.
b.1979, Poland;
University of Fine Arts in Poznan, Poland
Scholarship Universite Rennes 2, Rennes, France
TV screenings:
Poor People Must Die, 01.02.13 Télé Bocal, France
Ecstasy of St. Agnes, 08.03.13 Télé Bocal, France
Participation in festivals and exhibitions:
NY Biennale 2013, New York, USA
Black Maria Film and Video Festival, New Jersey, USA
      Director’s citation/ honourable mention
United States Super 8 and Video Festival, New Jersey, USA
X Monographic Show of Media Art, Manizales, Colombia
Videoformes 2013, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Cinesonica, Londonderry/Derry, UK
Festival of Different and Experimental Cinemas, Paris, France
NewFilmmakers, New York City, New York, USA
Video Bardo Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fotofever, Brussels, Belgium
Bideodromo Experimental Film & Video Festival, Bilbao, Spain
Santorini Biennale of Arts, Greece
South Texas Underground Film Festival, Texas, USA
International Multimedia Art Festival, Yangon, Burma.
3rd Off the Strip New Genre Festival, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Minneapolis Underground Film Festival, Minnesota, USA
Traps, Space 1026, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Festival Images Contre Nature, Marseille, France
3rd Paradoxes in Video, San Diego, California, USA
Portland Experimental Film Festival, Oregon, USA
Videoex Experimental Film Festival, Zurich, Switzerland
7th Montreal Underground Film Festival, Canada
Arte Accessibile IV Edizione, Milan, Italy
III Monographic Show of Media Art, Manizales, Colombia
Videoformes 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Videoart Events Villa Pomini, Varese, Italy
Project 30 exhibition, The Sex Issue 7, USA
International Motion Festival, Cyprus 2011
6th Streaming Festival, Haque, The Netherlands
2nd Peloponnesian International Film Festival, Corinth, Greece
24th Instants Vidéo 2011, Paris, France
24th Instants Vidéo 2011, Marseille, France
6th Cyprus International Film Festival, Nicosia, Cyprus
Flashforward, Milan, Italy
Videoholica 2011, Varna, Bulgaria
14th Biennale Art Media Festiwal Wro, Wroclaw, Poland
Solo screenings:
BWA Galeria Miejska ‘Arsenal’, Poznan, 2010, Poland
BWA Galeria Miejska ‘Arsenal’, Poznan, 2006, Poland

Ecstasy of St. Agnes - review

Two women, appearing to be identical twins slowly enter a blank white space. One of them speaks: Everything is repeated. Everything is repetitive. This sets the scene for the poetic journey that is The Ecstasy of St Agnes.

Referencing the virgin martyr, Agnes of Rome, Polish film-maker Slawomir Milewski gives a contemporary twist to the concept of ecstasy. Through the repetition of simple acts and phrases, Milewski explores the complexities of human emotions – love, desire, loneliness. Attuned to nuances and quirky juxtapositions that others might overlook, he observes festival revelers gyrating to an unheard rhythm and follows a sartorially elegant figure cavorting in a field.

So much more complex than a cut and paste of Milewski’s surrealist images, the film develops into a conflation of footage displaying a myriad of contemporary cultural ecstasies. Predominantly black and white, it captures the feel of vintage classic films, but is then spliced with a flash of color. Vertical figures are tipped on their sides. A cube of thrusting limbs emerges from a cloudy sky. Milewski breaks all the rules with the ease of a seasoned storyteller adept
at keeping his audience guessing.
Deftly weaving in the dreamlike audio, Milewski’s subtle humor permeates through to the final scene.
JK Russ
Off the Strip New Genres Festival Co-ordinator
Las Vegas, Nevada

sabato 2 marzo 2013



Project for NYBA: 2013
For New York Bienalle I will develop work wich will be continuation of my current interest in concept of spectator or witness as a content of work. I am reflecting the concept of being witness and marginal, exploring the effects, traces, impressions, that are left, produced by, global, political and social events. I am trying to find ways to represent the crowd, society, group, multitude, in the moments of reacting to the events taking place in public sphere or space in the moments of public gatherings, of crucial, unstable, fragile and finally dangerous social Events. By focusing on traces of the bodies, and body parts which reach our attention late, or appear to promise the forthcoming events, I am tying to create new scene from subplot’s fragments. Questions I pose in work are: Are we taught not to react, not to get involved? What do victims and witnesses look like? Are they still like on photographs, or chaotic and blurry crowd like in our memories and the mass media representation images? Do we ever witness continuity of an action?