lunedì 25 febbraio 2013

MARCH SESSION 2013 CON. TATTO (Leoni-Mastrangelo)

CON. TATTO (Leoni-Mastrangelo)


Con. Tatto ( Leno- Mastrangelo)
Francesca Leoni
Videoartist and actress. She was born in Italy and grew up in Brazil. Graduated in Communication studies at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington ( USA). In the US she worked in several theatre productions and films. Back in Italy she kept on with her theatre  activities and started and started also her video activities production. She studies theatre and film/Video with several “ maestros” of the international scene: Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll, Enrique Vargas (Teatro de los Sentidos) , Rutger Hauer ( R.H. Film Factory), TDF among others. She worked as an actress in several plays and film productions. The study of  the body and its moovments associated with video images where always her passion and study subject, for this reason the creation fo the artistic group Con.Tatto, with davide Mastrangelo, is an important result of her artistic path and personal research.

Davide Mastrangelo
He lived between north adn south of Italy. Since he was very young he developed a strong pasion for art. After graduating from the Design Artistic High School , he started studying theatre with Massimiliano Bolcioni ( TDF), after that he moved to Milan where we worked as a performer in the event “Caravaggio. Una mostra impossibile” organized by RAI and the department of Italian Cultural activities, directed by Milton Fernandez. In his career he keep studying theatre and performance, specially with: Teatro della Contraddizione, Armando Punzo (Compagnia della Fortezza) and with the “maestro” Enrique Vargas founder of  “Teatro de los Sentidos” Theatre Company.
He works mainly with theatre, Performance, video and indipendent cinema. In June 2011 he created with Francesca Leoni the artistic group Con.Tatto Video Performance Art,in which he works producing videos performances.

Con.Tatto is an artistic group  born in June 2011 from the powerful need of two artists, Francesca Leoni and Davide Mastrangelo, to give shape to their professional and artistic experiences in the world of video and performing arts.
Their work speaks for their poetic intentions to develop a dedicated investigation of the human soul of the contemporary everyman, living a relation with himself as well as the external world, through performing and visual language where these artists let their energies run free to accomplish an authentic and physical artistic act.
Con.Tatto employs videomaking and photography as artistic and expressive tools. 

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